Sunday, October 4, 2009

WHAT?? Long Time No Blog

Well it has been so long since I have blogged that I really do not know where to start! So I guess lets start here:

Sarah: Well she is now 10 months old and she is walking. You believe that? She loves to be chased and loves to chase me around the house. Peek-a-Boo is her favorite game and loves when you play under the blanket with her. As of right now her only word is Dada!! I joke and say that it makes me mad that she says that and not mommy, after all I am the one that stays home with her ALL day EVERY day!! She is such a bundle of fun. She went to the doctor recently and has an eear infection and this makes infection number 7 so outr pediatrician referred us to an ENT to be evaluated for tubes. Well she is having tubes put in her ears Tuesday October 6th so I am a little OK A LOT nervous about that I guess that would be all I have to say about Sarah at least quickly I could talk about her all day long. She is growing fast!!

Cody and I: Well not much exciting has happened for us. On September 25 we celebrated our 6 year anniversary. He bought me my most favorite flower ever crazy daisies. Daisies that are all different colors OH I love those and he also bought me a charm that says Best Mom on it. Not an anniversary gift he just bought me an I love you gift, I love those kind of gifts! But what girl doesn't? What else is there to talk about in my life?? Anyways subject.....I have to tell you I recently made GOOD FRIENDS I would have to say that we have bonded and bonded very close!! I guess you are wondering who since I have said no names. Of all people it is Meghan, my sister in law. At first we really did not like each other and she has been in Abilene visiting and recently had to come home to take care of some stuff and I told her that if she wanted some company I would go! Several times I thought of backing out and she just knew I was going to do that. Well I am very glad that I did not! I came with her and it has been the most awesome trip I have been on in a long time! We talked the whole way up here and realized how much we really have in common and we see things from the same point of view. We have shared some good laughs this weekend in fact she was laughing at me the other night almost in tears and said I have not laughed like this in a long time!! WOW that was a funny thing!! But we are leaving in the morning and neither one of us are ready to go. If Sarah was not scheduled for tubes I think we would stay longer!! But this is just the beginning of a lot more fun times to come.

OH and I will post pics of things later...some time when I get home.