Well it has been so long since I have blogged that I really do not know where to start! So I guess lets start here:
Sarah: Well she is now 10 months old and she is walking. You believe that? She loves to be chased and loves to chase me around the house. Peek-a-Boo is her favorite game and loves when you play under the blanket with her. As of right now her only word is Dada!! I joke and say that it makes me mad that she says that and not mommy, after all I am the one that stays home with her ALL day EVERY day!! She is such a bundle of fun. She went to the doctor recently and has an eear infection and this makes infection number 7 so outr pediatrician referred us to an ENT to be evaluated for tubes. Well she is having tubes put in her ears Tuesday October 6th so I am a little OK A LOT nervous about that I guess that would be all I have to say about Sarah at least quickly I could talk about her all day long. She is growing fast!!
Cody and I: Well not much exciting has happened for us. On September 25 we celebrated our 6 year anniversary. He bought me my most favorite flower ever crazy daisies. Daisies that are all different colors OH I love those and he also bought me a charm that says Best Mom on it. Not an anniversary gift he just bought me an I love you gift, I love those kind of gifts! But what girl doesn't? What else is there to talk about in my life?? Anyways
......new subject.....I have to tell you I recently made GOOD FRIENDS I would have to say that we have bonded and bonded very close!! I guess you are wondering who since I have said no names. Of all people it is Meghan, my sister in law. At first we really did not like each other and she has been in Abilene visiting and recently had to come home to take care of some stuff and I told her that if she wanted some company I would go! Several times I thought of backing out and she just knew I was going to do that. Well I am very glad that I did not! I came with her and it has been the most awesome trip I have been on in a long time! We talked the whole way up here and realized how much we really have in common and we see things from the same point of view. We have shared some good laughs this weekend in fact she was laughing at me the other night almost in tears and said I have not laughed like this in a long time!! WOW that was a funny thing!! But we are leaving in the morning and neither one of us are ready to go. If Sarah was not scheduled for tubes I think we would stay longer!! But this is just the beginning of a lot more fun times to come.
OH and I will post pics of things later...some time when I get home.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So Monday night we went with the middle school to play putt-putt. We had a good time even though putt putt is a lame thing to play. It was nice to have a night out with the teens and to have a little break from Sarah. She had more fun playing with Nana then she would have had being outside and strapped in the stroller. But by the time we were done I was ready to go pick her up and take her home, even though it was bedtime and she went to sleep on the way home.
See my husband is not that bad looking!! I know the last pic I posted it was very goofy and pretty ugly looking! But I think he is the best looking guy out there. Glad that I married him because no other girl out there deserves to have him!!!
This was taken before we began our game of putt putt. However we were not on the same team. Ya I am not one of those clingy kind of girls that have to always be with their man when they go somewhere together. Heavens sake give him some breathing room!! I don't wanna vent so lets move on.
This is Bristol, one of my nephews. I tried to get him to take a serious picture with me but he was being goofy. He went with us to play putt putt and he had a good time. One we got back home Cody asked him what his score was and he said he scored a hole in ten and a hone in one hundred and one hole in one he said he won the game!
Well I guess I better get back to life! Sarah is sleeping so I need to go and finish my laundry and find some lunch!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
This and That at my House
Well I have been a bit of a slacker on this whole blogging thing so I guess I can tell you what is happening at the Hopper House!
So about a week ago after our weekly swimming date with my neighbor we had dinner at the house and my husband he is really a funny person and I forgot how funny he can be! He has these BIG black framed glasses that look like the glasses Drew Carey wears and some ugly bubba teeth that you can buy during halloween. He decided while Aften was here to put them on and we both just laughed at him until we cried. I am going to post this picture and don't tell him that it's on here he might hurt me, HAHA!
Now tell me is that not the funniest thing ever!!! And just in case you are wondering YES my husband has gone out in public like this before with one of his buddies! They walked across the street to 7-11 and Cody said the guy behind the counter couldn't even look at him and was snickering. But how can you take him seriously when he looks like this and OMG you should hear him talk, the front teeth get dry and he has to lick them and it's the funniest thing to watch! And just so people know when he is not dressed like this I think he is the best looking man out there!
Moving on...so Sarah is growing fast and does something new every day. About a month ago we had to lower her bed because she figured out how to stand up and just the other day she took a step from the table to the chair she lost her balance and fell...thankfully she was not hurt. She has also figured out how to say dadada and it makes me so mad I am here all day with her.. Just kidding. I know that Cody is thrilled to hear her say that.
This is my little one I had her blocked in the living room and she got mad that she could not get to me but well she figured out a way to make it through. Ya she climbes through the bottom of this toy what a smartie! And you see that pacifier in her mouth?? I have to tell you the other night when Aften and Zoey came by we were all sitting at the table eating and the girls were in the living room watching a movie I look up and start to laugh and before saying anything I tell Aften to look over she about lost it.....Zoey is sitting on the couch with Sarah's pacifier in her mouth! It was rather comical even if she didn't think so. After all it is washable!!!

So this is my little SarahSarah and she loves the water! We have been taking her outside in the evening and letting her play in the water to pass time before bath bottle and bed, the 3 B's. She was soaked from head to toe and it didn't bother her one bit! I think that we are going to buy her a little baby pool to play in during the evenings and maybe during the day some if it is not scorching hot!
Speaking of hot.....we took Sarah to the zoo Friday. It was a good idea but it was to hot. She never fussed even though I knew she was hot. We did not stay long, even the animals thought it was to hot to be outside! This is the pic I took of her before entering, I love the look on her face its like she is saying what the heck mom it's to hot.
Well that is all that is happening at my house gotta end this blog because I have to clean my kitchen and get things ready to go swimming!!!!
So about a week ago after our weekly swimming date with my neighbor we had dinner at the house and my husband he is really a funny person and I forgot how funny he can be! He has these BIG black framed glasses that look like the glasses Drew Carey wears and some ugly bubba teeth that you can buy during halloween. He decided while Aften was here to put them on and we both just laughed at him until we cried. I am going to post this picture and don't tell him that it's on here he might hurt me, HAHA!
Now tell me is that not the funniest thing ever!!! And just in case you are wondering YES my husband has gone out in public like this before with one of his buddies! They walked across the street to 7-11 and Cody said the guy behind the counter couldn't even look at him and was snickering. But how can you take him seriously when he looks like this and OMG you should hear him talk, the front teeth get dry and he has to lick them and it's the funniest thing to watch! And just so people know when he is not dressed like this I think he is the best looking man out there!
Moving on...so Sarah is growing fast and does something new every day. About a month ago we had to lower her bed because she figured out how to stand up and just the other day she took a step from the table to the chair she lost her balance and fell...thankfully she was not hurt. She has also figured out how to say dadada and it makes me so mad I am here all day with her.. Just kidding. I know that Cody is thrilled to hear her say that.
This is my little one I had her blocked in the living room and she got mad that she could not get to me but well she figured out a way to make it through. Ya she climbes through the bottom of this toy what a smartie! And you see that pacifier in her mouth?? I have to tell you the other night when Aften and Zoey came by we were all sitting at the table eating and the girls were in the living room watching a movie I look up and start to laugh and before saying anything I tell Aften to look over she about lost it.....Zoey is sitting on the couch with Sarah's pacifier in her mouth! It was rather comical even if she didn't think so. After all it is washable!!!
So this is my little SarahSarah and she loves the water! We have been taking her outside in the evening and letting her play in the water to pass time before bath bottle and bed, the 3 B's. She was soaked from head to toe and it didn't bother her one bit! I think that we are going to buy her a little baby pool to play in during the evenings and maybe during the day some if it is not scorching hot!
Speaking of hot.....we took Sarah to the zoo Friday. It was a good idea but it was to hot. She never fussed even though I knew she was hot. We did not stay long, even the animals thought it was to hot to be outside! This is the pic I took of her before entering, I love the look on her face its like she is saying what the heck mom it's to hot.
Well that is all that is happening at my house gotta end this blog because I have to clean my kitchen and get things ready to go swimming!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Abbigail Marie
Here she is.......
This is Abbigail Marie! She was born on Monday night about 8:00 she weiged 6 pounds and 15.5 ounces and was 18.5 inches long.
Abbys story...
My sister was scheduled to be induced on Friday the 19th. On Moday she woke up in horrible pain so she called the doctors office and was talking to the nurse and was instructed to go ahead and go to the hospital and have them monitor her and the baby for a little while and then she would be able to go home. Well when she got there they started to monitor them both and everything was OK. She told the nurse there was no way she could home in the kind of pain she was in and asked if there was something she could take, the doctor just decided to go ahead and induce for the fact she was miserable. Well about a month or so ago my sister had asked me if I would like to be in the room when the baby was delivered and of course I said yes. When she called me and told me that it would be a little after noon for the doctor to come in to break her water I paniced...I HAD NO BABYSITTER!!!! All of Cody's family was working and Cody was unable to get off. Boy was I mad I just knew I was not going to get to go! So instead of pouting on the couch and worring about time I got things done. Needless to say I had my house spotless all laundry done folded and put away dinner was cooked and ready to eat. Luckily..well for me..she was progressing slowly and was able to head up there after Cody got off work. made it up there only to find her sleeping in the bed and still not progressing quickly. Finally about 7 the nurse came in and decided it was time so they called the doctor in and got things going. Abby made it into the world and she is beautiful. After she was born and they got her all cleaned up and wrapped my sister got to hold her for a minute but the baby needed to eat. Amber was to drugged to feed her and well Richard (daddy) was a little nervous, I don't know why this is number 4!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Weekend ruined
Yup you read it right I have Pharyngitis. Go figure we had a fun weeked planned. Hunny and I were taking Sarah swimming today and going to spend the day together as a family and the Saturday I was going to go swimming with my neighbor and her little girl.
Sarah woke up this morning at about 1am crying so I went in to check on her and she decided she wanted up and did not want to go to sleep. We fed her I rocked her Cody rocked her and laid in bed with her and finally about 3am I went and got her and took her to bed with me and finally around 3:30 she crahsed. When we woke up I told Cody I felt aweful and thought I might have the flu, so when the doctors office opened I called and was able to get in at 2:45. Did some testing and it came back as Pharyngitis. The nurse gave me a shot and wrote a prescription for an antibiotic and off I went! I am not able to hold Sarah, touch her or do anything with her, as the doctor says what I have is very contagious. However I do have an awesome husband who is taking care of her and me and he is doing a fantastic job. I have to admit I am ready to feel better because my house is a disaster. I did manage to unload the dishwasher and that was all the energy I had. So ya my weekend is ruined. Hopefully by tomorrow I will begin to feel like a human being again.
Going to park my sick butt on the couch!
Yup you read it right I have Pharyngitis. Go figure we had a fun weeked planned. Hunny and I were taking Sarah swimming today and going to spend the day together as a family and the Saturday I was going to go swimming with my neighbor and her little girl.
Sarah woke up this morning at about 1am crying so I went in to check on her and she decided she wanted up and did not want to go to sleep. We fed her I rocked her Cody rocked her and laid in bed with her and finally about 3am I went and got her and took her to bed with me and finally around 3:30 she crahsed. When we woke up I told Cody I felt aweful and thought I might have the flu, so when the doctors office opened I called and was able to get in at 2:45. Did some testing and it came back as Pharyngitis. The nurse gave me a shot and wrote a prescription for an antibiotic and off I went! I am not able to hold Sarah, touch her or do anything with her, as the doctor says what I have is very contagious. However I do have an awesome husband who is taking care of her and me and he is doing a fantastic job. I have to admit I am ready to feel better because my house is a disaster. I did manage to unload the dishwasher and that was all the energy I had. So ya my weekend is ruined. Hopefully by tomorrow I will begin to feel like a human being again.
Going to park my sick butt on the couch!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
OMG It's sooooo HOT!
Just wanted to chat..........
So it has to be like 5,000 degrees outside! Not really it's only about 102 but it feels much hotter then that! I went to the library today to check out the book Tori Spelling wrote, so far it is really interesting and rather funny! We had to run to Wal-Mart to get some formula and juice for Sarah. As I pulled Sarah out of my car this really odd guy was standing behind me, no telling how long he was there and he said something to me in a funny language and laughed and followed me in. A little scared I went on in and and he did his shopping and so did I, very quickly!! Made it to my car and thankfully he had not made it back to his. Well since it is so hot I decided to go to Sonic, afterall is was happy hour! There was no place to park and the drive thru line was out to the highway! But I waited and waited and WAITED. After almost dying of a heat stroke I got my drink!! Hopefully, when Cody gets off work we can go swimming-what a good way to cool off! my poor AC has ran all day long in my little house! Sarah has been really good today-after all she has been awake off and on since 3:30 this morning and went to bed at 5:00am. Lucky for me I was able to catch a few ZZZZZ's until about 7 and caught a little nap after lunch. I just hope she sleeps good tonight! Taking care of a baby is hard work, and I thought being a mom was going to be easy! WOW WAS I WRONG! Well I guess that is all the chatter I have for now.
So it has to be like 5,000 degrees outside! Not really it's only about 102 but it feels much hotter then that! I went to the library today to check out the book Tori Spelling wrote, so far it is really interesting and rather funny! We had to run to Wal-Mart to get some formula and juice for Sarah. As I pulled Sarah out of my car this really odd guy was standing behind me, no telling how long he was there and he said something to me in a funny language and laughed and followed me in. A little scared I went on in and and he did his shopping and so did I, very quickly!! Made it to my car and thankfully he had not made it back to his. Well since it is so hot I decided to go to Sonic, afterall is was happy hour! There was no place to park and the drive thru line was out to the highway! But I waited and waited and WAITED. After almost dying of a heat stroke I got my drink!! Hopefully, when Cody gets off work we can go swimming-what a good way to cool off! my poor AC has ran all day long in my little house! Sarah has been really good today-after all she has been awake off and on since 3:30 this morning and went to bed at 5:00am. Lucky for me I was able to catch a few ZZZZZ's until about 7 and caught a little nap after lunch. I just hope she sleeps good tonight! Taking care of a baby is hard work, and I thought being a mom was going to be easy! WOW WAS I WRONG! Well I guess that is all the chatter I have for now.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Weekend!
I know, it's Tuesday and I am just blogging about my weekend! What can I say I am a busy person!
Well on Friday Aften and Zoey came over for dinner, BBQ chicken, thanks for cooking Cody! Aften and I decided since it was Friday we should have a glass of wine. We headed to Wal-Mart, that was just supposed to be an in and out kind of trip but we walked the whole store and bought some unnecessary things!! After dinner we just hung out and chatted for a few hours as Zoey slept on my couch and Sarah played until midnight. We had to put the kiddos to bed after all tomorrow is a big day. Taking the them swimming for the first time this summer and the first time for Sarah.

Saturday rolls around the corner and after naps we head to pool at Aunt Jackies! We had so much fun, thanks again! Aunt Cristy bought Sarah a new bathing suit that is red white and blue very cute and of course she looked adorable in it. Thanks Aunt Cristy! Sarah has never been swimming before and she had a blast. She never cried or fussed. After about 2 hours of swimming we decided to get out and grab a drink rest a bit and get back in. Well it was later then we thought so we decided just to clean up and head home. Poor Zoey did not want to go. but we told her that we will come back and we plan on Saturday if the weather is good! When I got home a friend down the street, Kristy came by and wanted to have dinner so we headed to chick-fil-a, I was looking a little rough so I told her that we have to do the drive thru and we can eat and hang at my house! So that is what we did. We chatted for a bit and then she had to head back home! Nothing else happened just a relaxing Saturday night.

Sunday what a rush of a day! For some reason the devil always seems to get me to stay in bed but I knew I needed to get up. So at 8:45 I jump out of bed and hurry to get ready wake Sarah up feed her and get her ready and luckily we made it out the door by 9:30! Had lunch at my mother in laws and hung out for a while. Of course it was a hot day so I had to hit up Sonic during happy hour!! Made it home in time to repack Sarahs bag rest for a few and head back out the door for church that night. I havn't been grocery shopping in a long time so we had nothing to eat for dinner, ha! Well around 9:30 Cody decided he was hungry and went to grab some pizza. You gotta love Little Ceasars and the hot and ready pizzas!!
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