Here she is.......
This is Abbigail Marie! She was born on Monday night about 8:00 she weiged 6 pounds and 15.5 ounces and was 18.5 inches long.
Abbys story...
My sister was scheduled to be induced on Friday the 19th. On Moday she woke up in horrible pain so she called the doctors office and was talking to the nurse and was instructed to go ahead and go to the hospital and have them monitor her and the baby for a little while and then she would be able to go home. Well when she got there they started to monitor them both and everything was OK. She told the nurse there was no way she could home in the kind of pain she was in and asked if there was something she could take, the doctor just decided to go ahead and induce for the fact she was miserable. Well about a month or so ago my sister had asked me if I would like to be in the room when the baby was delivered and of course I said yes. When she called me and told me that it would be a little after noon for the doctor to come in to break her water I paniced...I HAD NO BABYSITTER!!!! All of Cody's family was working and Cody was unable to get off. Boy was I mad I just knew I was not going to get to go! So instead of pouting on the couch and worring about time I got things done. Needless to say I had my house spotless all laundry done folded and put away dinner was cooked and ready to eat. Luckily..well for me..she was progressing slowly and was able to head up there after Cody got off work. made it up there only to find her sleeping in the bed and still not progressing quickly. Finally about 7 the nurse came in and decided it was time so they called the doctor in and got things going. Abby made it into the world and she is beautiful. After she was born and they got her all cleaned up and wrapped my sister got to hold her for a minute but the baby needed to eat. Amber was to drugged to feed her and well Richard (daddy) was a little nervous, I don't know why this is number 4!
nana kris says====so glad things went well she is a cutie==kriss